FOUR London reopens: Our beautiful salon is open and we are SO excited to see you all again, we’ve missed you so much. It’s been a tough few months waiting for the lockdown restrictions to lift, but we couldn’t just sit still and wait for this all to pass, because whilst the salon might not have been busy, we definitely have!
If there was a tick box for lockdown I feel like I completed most of them: had one maybe two too many drinks of an evening…well we didn’t have to get up early! Started a new exercise routine, dabbled in learning French, upcycled furniture, embraced mindful activities like colouring, reading and nearly completed Netflix. I also tried a few new recipes but broke the mould by not making banana bread!
Of course throughout it all I’ve been working with the FOUR Family to keep the salon going and ready for when we could reopen on the 12th April. There’s been a lot going on and Sharon, our lovely head receptionist, has been working so hard behind the scenes to have everything ready to go!
If lockdown has taught me (and so many of us) anything, it is just how important our health, family and friendships are. I feel so grateful to have gone through this overwhelming time with our power team at FOUR and with the support from all our clients.
When it comes to family, we had a new addition, as I welcomed by my beautiful baby boy Faolán… he was delivered in lockdown by two fabulous surgeons, dressed in full hazmat suits, with absolutely no help from my husband…probably best he sat out, as when I say sat more like carried out. Now that’s a story to tell the grandchildren! Nine weeks on from a C section and I was back running around at the salon, armed with my new Evie breast pump. It’s been a busy, stressful but exciting time and I can’t wait to get back to what I love best… colouring hair!
Lockdown has been a real chance for my family and I to take a step back and enjoy just being together. We all embraced a positive attitude to get through the joys of homeschooling, the salon being closed and the positive COVID test results we received on Christmas Day – not exactly the Christmas present we had been hoping for, but luckily we’re all much better now!
We also welcomed a new member to our family, our new pup Clover, which definitely all improved our moods – you can’t feel too sad with a new puppy to snuggle! And now, I am just so happy to be back with my other family, the FOUR team, and to get going again!
I love routine and when lockdown took away my usual routine, I replaced it with… running! I now go every morning, it gets me up and makes me seize the day, and my daughter joins me on her bike as the pacemaker! Whilst I really missed working at the salon, not being in work meant that I was able to care for my Nan who had been unwell. We got to spend some quality time together and I washed her hair (in full PPE!) and at 96 she really is a cat with nine lives as she’s thankfully sprung back!
I’ve also been homeschooling my daughter who started in Reception last September (luckily it’s not been too tricky!), and my son has returned to nursery. I’m now ready to get back to the salon; I’ve missed adult conversations (!) and I can’t wait to get everyone back to their spring/summer colours.
We can’t wait to see you in the salon soon! Our booking lines are now open so call 020 7297 9600 or book through our website here.